Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCDSN) Membership

Balkan Civil Society Development Network is an organisation working to promote an enabling environment for civil society development in the Balkans. 14 organisations from 11 countries are members of BCSDN, which aims to enhance the role of civil society and increase its participation in policy and decision-making processes at national, regional and European Union levels; to influence public policies by promoting civil dialogue between civil society actors, state institutions and the EU; to develop advocacy knowledge and skills among civil society actors for greater impact; and to strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation among civil society actors in the Balkan region. TUSEV Secretary General Rana Kotan is a member of BCSDN Board. For more information about BCSDN, please visit

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Global Network Türkiye Partnership

The UK-based Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is a global philanthropic organisation with partner organisations in different countries. CAF provides services and support to individuals, private sector organisations and not-for-profit organisations, primarily through cross-border giving and donor-directed grants. It also conducts research and produces reports on current trends in different types of philanthropy and legislation related to philanthropy. TUSEV is the Turkish partner of the CAF Global Network, which consists of organisations operating worldwide. More information about CAF can be found at

CIVICUS Membership

CIVICUS is a non-governmental organisation based in Johannesburg, South Africa, working to strengthen and support civil society organisations globally. CIVICUS has offices in different parts of the world and today has more than 15,000 members in more than 175 countries. For more information about CIVICUS, please visit

Philea Membership

Philea (Philanthropy Europe Association), which was formed by the merger of the European Foundation Center (EFC) and Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe (Dafne) in December 2021, has members operating in more than 30 countries. Headquartered in Brussels, Philea carries out activities to help members to get inspired, act together and achieve greater impact by sharing data and knowledge, exchanging best practices, connecting around common themes and engaging in policy work. TUSEV Secretary General Rana Kotan is the Chair of Philea’s Governance and Nomination Committee. For more information about Philea, please visit

Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) Membership

WINGS is a network of philanthropy support organisations working to help philanthropy reach its full potential for social development. WINGS has more than 190 members in more than 50 countries and carries out activities in the fields of collective knowledge production, strengthening ecosystems and advocacy on a global scale. For more information about WINGS, please visit

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