Programlar / Projects

Social Entrepreneurship in Türkiye Project

In 2009, when social enterprises started to become part of the civic space in Türkiye, the British Council launched a regional project to build partnerships between the UK and Türkiye in the field of social entrepreneurship. The project aimed to provide a platform for CSOs with a social mission to make a difference in their communities; to contribute to positive social change through entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity, and it was implemented in Türkiye, as well as in Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, and Croatia.

In this context, TUSEV, with the support and co-operation of the British Council, carried out the ‘Türkiye Social Entrepreneurship Project’, which started in 2010, with the aim of identifying the opportunities and obstacles in front of the social enterprise model in Türkiye and raising awareness among relevant stakeholders on this issue. The project, which lasted until 2013, primarily aimed to raise awareness on the social enterprise model and to create a network of social entrepreneurs. The project supported the development of the sector through focus group meetings, field visits, conferences, seminars and a needs assessment report. In addition, a web portal was created, which includes definitions and models of social enterprises, as well as various sources of information and tools that can be relevant to the field.
