Programlar / Effective Giving

International Relations

PEX Membership

The PEX community within the Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) brings together over 350 professionals from more than 70 regional, national, global and thematic philanthropy networks. PEX provides a space for collaboration, shared learning and action to advance the European philanthropy ecosystem. Launched in 2020, PEX is a community that aims to make a more dynamic and action-oriented contribution through a series of initiatives to improve the infrastructure of philanthropy in Europe.

As TUSEV, we have been an active member of this community since 2020 to enrich our efforts to support the philanthropy ecosystem in Türkiye and to bring the work and actors in Türkiye to the European agenda.

Click here for more information about PEX.

PEXForum Core Team Membership

The PEXForum, a regular event organised by PEX, is a gathering of the PEX community, where this community comes together on a common ground and thinks together about the issues in their field. It is characterised as an event where the challenges and opportunities in the field are identified, where the community shares good examples and lessons learned, and where projects with concrete results are evaluated together.

After the first event in 2020 in Madrid, Spain, we hosted the 2022 meeting of the PEXForum, which was held online in 2021 due to the pandemic, in Istanbul as TUSEV. Accelerating (Eco)System Change: Exploring the Transformative Power of Collaboration in Philanthropy’, the #PEXForum at Kadir Has University brought together more than 100 experts from over 60 organisations working in the field of philanthropy infrastructure across Europe. As part of the event, where we assessed the issues on the agenda of civil society and the field of philanthropy through interactive presentations, speeches and workshops, the participants also had the opportunity to get to know the work of civil society in Türkiye through the field visits organised.

As a member of the PEXForum Core Team, we are continuing our work on this topic in order to share our experience more effectively both as a participant and as a host organisation in PEXForum 2023.

Click here for more information on PEXForum.

Co-lead of the WINGS Working Group on Cultures of Giving

Cultures of Giving, one of the working groups of WINGS, consists of representatives of organisations from over 90 WINGS member countries working in and interested in the field of giving. The group analyses the giving ecosystems of different countries, discusses cross-cutting issues related to the giving environment, and creates a space for members to learn from each other and share knowledge and experiences about giving practices in different countries.

Since the beginning of 2023, we have been co-leading the group and have been actively involved in setting the agenda and organising the meetings.

Lilly School of Philanthropy, Global Philanthropy Climate Index Country Content Editor

The Global Philanthropy Climate Index, produced by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, is recognised as the most comprehensive research in its field. The report provides a comparative analysis of the philanthropic environment in more than 100 countries, examining the political, legal, financial and institutional factors that affect philanthropy, as well as the social and cultural factors that influence giving trends. The report also analyses tax practices that may affect the development of philanthropy and giving. The report assesses the state of the philanthropic environment in countries under the headings of ease of establishing and operating civil society organisations, tax policies related to philanthropy; tax deductions and exemptions, ease of procedures for making and receiving cash and in-kind donations between countries, political environment and socio-cultural environment. As TUSEV, we have been preparing the Türkiye section of the report since 2018. For more information, please visit
