Programlar / Projects

Philanthropy Infrastructure Development Project

As TUSEV, we implemented the Philanthropy Infrastructure Development Project between 2011 and 2021, supported by the Mott Foundation, to promote an effective culture of giving and develop an infrastructure that encourages giving in Türkiye. The Project’s activities included research on the current state of giving and philanthropy in Türkiye, disseminating methods and tools to increase individual and corporate giving, promoting peer-to-peer learning, introducing and disseminating different models of giving, and advocating for improved legislation to encourage more giving.

In the 2011-2013 period of the project, guidelines for individual donors, guidelines for corporate community investment programs, inspiring donor stories, analysis of Bolu Donors Foundation and guidelines for donor foundations in Türkiye were developed.

In the second period between 2013-2015, articles of the month on philanthropy were prepared, the first and second cycles of the Philanthropy Professionals Training Program, a peer experience sharing program for professionals in the field, were implemented, the Grant Making Organisations Working Group was established, and Change with Support, a collective giving method, was localised and implemented for the first time with the support of The Funding Network.

The third period, 2015-2017, saw the continuation of the Philanthropy Professionals Training Program, the launch of the Philanthropy Professionals Talking series aimed at discussing current issues in civil society and philanthropy with the participation of a broad range of stakeholders, the implementation of Destekle Değiştir (Support to Change) and the provision of technical support to organisations wishing to implement it.

In the last two periods of the project, which started in 2017 and continued until 2021, the Database of Grantmaking Organisations was launched, the Training Program for Philanthropy Professionals continued, and current developments in the field were brought to the agenda of relevant stakeholders through the Articles of the Month and Translations of the Month.

The project’s website is still up and running.
