#PaylaşmaGünü is the local implementation of the global generosity movement, GivingTuesday, focused on raising awareness of philanthropic practices in Türkiye and empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) through the principles of solidarity and generosity. #PaylaşmaGünü stands out as a day when individuals, private sector organizations, educational institutions, sports clubs, public groups, and a much broader range of stakeholders celebrate philanthropy and volunteerism on a large scale, focusing on all actors in the civic space.

Since 2020, we have been coordinating #PaylaşmaGünü as the country leader for the local implementation of the international generosity movement in Türkiye. With its multi-stakeholder nature, #PaylaşmaGünü prioritizes spreading awareness through contributions from various stakeholders, primarily including the #PaylaşmaGünü community consisting of CSOs, and provides the necessary infrastructure to support their needs throughout the year-long preparation process.

#PaylaşmaGünü is celebrated every year in Türkiye since 2020 along with over 100 countries globally. For detailed information, campaign documents, and updates, you can visit www.paylasmagunu.org.
