
We organized workshops in Izmir and Buldan as part of #PaylaşmaGünü

We are getting ready to celebrate #PaylaşmaGünü for the fourth time in Turkey on Tuesday, 28 November 2023, with the involvement of individuals, civil society organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and a wide range of stakeholders.

#PaylaşmaGünü, a collective movement centered on philanthropy, volunteerism, and solidarity, began its 2023 preparations with local visits to İzmir and Buldan at the beginning of October. During the meetings hosted by Tülay Aktaş Volunteer Organizations Coalition and the Buldan Foundation, #PaylaşmaGünü was introduced to different groups of stakeholders, and during the meetings different ways to participate in #PaylaşmaGünü were discussed.

On October 11, an online kickoff meeting was held with the participation of various stakeholders, including those who were part of the movement in previous years and new participants this year. During the meeting, updates about the 2023 preparations were introduced, including the #PaylaşmaGünü call line, local visits, workshops, and Tuesday gatherings. Additionally, in October, three workshops were held with 42 participants from 40 different organizations. In these workshops, Pınar İlkiz from Pikan Agency discussed the key features of communication campaigns for civil society organizations, and participants worked on different campaign objectives they could apply for #PaylaşmaGünü.