Tools and Methods of CSO Participation in Public Policy Making: Overview of Good Practices in Croatia, Estonia and France Report is Published

Prepared within the scope of Monitoring and Enhancing the Enabling Environment for Civil Society Project financed by the European Union, Tools and Methods of CSO Participation in Public Policy Making: Overview of Good Practices in Croatia, Estonia and France is published. Authored by Igor Vidačak, the report includes a detailed analysis of public sector-CSO cooperation in Croatia, Estonia and France with specific references to the types of mechanisms used or the principles adopted. You can reach the report that aims to contribute to the work carried out by CSOs and public institutions in order to make the participation processes jointly and sustainable as well with preparation of an enabling environment for civil society in which CSOs can be a part of decision making processes at the central level.
Tools and Methods of CSO Participation in Public Policy Making: Overview of Good Practices in Croatia, Estonia and France Report is Published
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