Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society 2022-2023 Türkiye Report is Published
As TÜSEV, we have published the Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, 2022-2023 Türkiye Report, prepared within the scope of the Monitoring Freedom of Association project, which we are implementing in partnership with the Civil Society Development Centre (STGM) and with funding fromthe European Union.
Developed using the Monitoring Matrix methodology created by the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) members, including TÜSEV, the report examines the enabling environment for civil society under three main sections:
- Basic Legal Guarantees of Freedoms
- Framework for CSOs’ Financial Viability and Sustainability
- Public-CSO Relations
The Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development, 2022-2023 Türkiye Report not only reviews the current legal framework and practices but also aims to guide CSOs, the government, international organizations, and donors by identifying priority areas for reform and providing policy recommendations.
Click on the link below to access the report (available in Turkish), which will also be published in English in the coming days.
Sivil Toplum için Elverişli Ortam İzleme Matrisi 2022-2023 Türkiye Raporu